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Teeth Extractions

A tooth which is very decayed or damaged, or loose because of gum disease, may have to be extracted (taken out of your mouth).

Wisdom teeth sometimes have to be extracted if they have come through at an awkward angle and are causing problems. Teeth are sometimes taken out from children's mouths to help other teeth grow straight, when they are crowded.

What will my dentist do?

Some teeth are easier to take out than others. A local anaesthetic (an injection in your mouth) will be used to numb the tooth before it is extracted.

In some cases, for children or nervous patients, or where a tooth might prove difficult to remove, sedation (something to make you drowsy), along with a local anaesthetic, may be used. On rare occasions a general anaesthetic may be considered. If a general anaesthetic is needed, you will have to go to a hospital (you will normally be able to go home the same day).

The new titanium tooth root provided by the implant is very strong and stable, allowing you to eat normally – enjoy the feeling of biting into your meals once again!

As a trusted and renowned dental clinic in the UK, we strive to make the experience comfortable but effective for all patients.
Robinhood Dental Practice

1491, Stratford Rd,

Hall Green,


B28 9HT

0121 744 1484

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday : 9am - 6pm

Saturday : 9am - 2pm

Sunday : 3pm - 5pm



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